Language and Socioeconomic status
Many children who come from household where non-standard varieties of language are set at an immediate disadvantage; second-language speakers are daunted by adopting forms of language they do not typically encounter in their home communities, thus, feeling second class until they have mastered this task.
The deciding factor as to which of the these three adaptive strategies an individual adopts is quite often a matter of overt “ prestige” vs covert “prestige”
Language and Gender
From chilhood males and females are different in many ways, both physiologically and psychologically. Eisenmen (1997) claims that women, in comparison to men, have better memory. There are also social differences between men and women.
Different between men and women
- Men interrupt women more than vice versa.
- Women are more communicative than men.
- Men do not give verbal recognition of the contributions in the conversation made by women.
- Men curse more than women.
- Women gossip more than men.
- Women talk more with one another than men do.
- Men speak more comfortably in public than women.
- Laki-laki menyela wanita, wanita lebih dari sebaliknya.
- Wanita-Wanita jadilah lebih komunikatif dibanding laki-laki.
- laki-laki tidak memberi pengenalan [yang] lisan kontribusi di (dalam) percakapan dibuat oleh wanita-wanita.
- Laki-laki mengutuk lebih dari wanita-wanita.
- Gosip Wanita lebih banyak daripada laki-laki.
- Wanita-Wanita berbicara banyak dengan satu sama lain dibanding yg dilakukan oleh laki-laki
- Laki-laki berbicara dengan nyaman di (dalam) publik dibanding wanita-wanita.
A theory in the area of language and gender which examines the effect that gender has on language use. A main proponent of the theory is sociolinguist proffesor Deborah Tannen, whose work, especially her 1990 book “you just don’t understand. This book provides explanation for domestic disputes without “pointing the finger” at anyone. The difference theory as postulatedby tannen is generally summarised into six or seven different categories, each of which pairs a contrasting use of language by males compared to a use of language by females. They are typically given as follows, with each placing the male characteristic first.
Dominance theory
Consistent with the assumption that males tend to be more dominant than females, STD (Social Dominance Theory) predicts that males will tend to have a higher social dominance orientation (SDO). As such, males will tend to function as hierarchy enforcers, that is, they will carry out acts of discrimination such as the systematic terror by police offiers( Sidanus, 1992) and the extreme example of death squads and concentration camps. This is supported by evidence such as police officers possessing measurably higher levels of SDO. SDT posits that males, in general, will tend to have a higher social dominance orientation.
Gender in language
Gender in language at this topics is disclosure, style, and probably a matter of taboo language spoken by the speakers, both men and women. It is indeed a simple case, but this is precisely what “far “ from a review of the experts. In fact, if it is really judging, it turns out that living a certain vocabulary and spoken in our society, are likely to experience gender imbalance. That is a metter of gender in the language should also be a study of the “gender activists”so it does not make sense of gender relations at work and sheer clothing.
Many languages specify Gender (and gender agreement):
- O andras i gyneka to pedhi
- The masc. man, the fem.woman the neuter child
- der man die Frau das Kind
- the.masc. man the fem. woman the neuter child
- l(e) homme la femme
- the.masc. man the.fem. woman
- Womens’ talk is a cultural product
- Women speak a language of connection and intimacy
- Men speak a language of status and independence
Their communication can be like cross-cultural communication.
- wanita-wanita berbicara suatu bahasa koneksi dan keakraban
- laki-laki berbicara bahasa status dan kemerdekaan
- komunikasi mereka bisa seperti komunikasi antar budaya
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